Confetti shots are great, they are so much fun and they're one of my favourite photos to take at a wedding because you get genuine laughter and smiles. Below are a few tips to help you get the perfect confetti shot.
What type of confetti shall I use?
There are different types of confetti but most venues require you to use biodegradable confetti so I would recommend using biodegradable paper confetti or dried petals. Paper confetti stays in the air longer which makes it better for photos, dried flowers also aren't as visible on camera but they're still a good option and smell great. I would recommend buying a lot of confetti, it's hard to know exactly how much but a handful for each guest is a good amount, if you don't get enough it may not be as visible in the photos. I would recommend putting all the confetti into a basket for people to grab handfuls, this also saves the waste of lots of little plastic bags or cones. If you really want a bang you can use confetti cannons.

Where and When?
First, you need to decide when and where you'd like your confetti thrown. It's usually after the ceremony but not always as you walk back down the aisle, it's often afterwards. The photographer will line everyone up in two lines creating a tunnel for you both to walk through. The photographer may have suggestions on where is best to do this depending on the lighting and space but if you have somewhere in particular you'd like it done please tell them beforehand. Also the venue may have certain areas where it is allowed so make sure you ask. Another time confetti can be used is during the first dance, confetti canons can be a good choice for this.

It is strange having lots of petals thrown at you but try not to cover your face or wince, remember to smile and look up. People often laugh as well which is always great for photos. I will usually ask the guests to throw the confetti up instead of straight in your face so you have a more enjoyable experience but there will always be those cheeky guests who will try and throw it right in your face for a laugh.

Your hair
Confetti really does get everywhere but try and get it all out of your hair if possible before you go for your couple / group shots. You don't want loads of confetti in your hair in all of your photos.

Bad Weather
If you happen to have bad weather on your wedding day make sure you know the venues rules on throwing confetti inside, they may have a certain room you can use or they may not allow it at all.

If you don't fancy having hundreds of petals thrown at you then why not try an alternative? Bubbles, ribbon wands and smoke bombs are all cool alternatives and sparklers are great in the evening.